@Pharmacy.Com | 82nd Ave Logo
Slide background Trabajamos arduamente para ofrecerle los siguientes servicios: Home bound Vaccine Blind Patient "Script Talk" Label Service Adult Foster/ Group home adherence packaging Accept OTC card Medication Therapy Management
Proveyendo la calidad que usted espera de su farmacia.

Si no encuentra un servicio que necesita, por favor dejenos saber para poder ayudarle.

Medication Therapy Management (MTM)

Our goal is to optimize the right medications, the right doses, and at the right time for our patients. We specialize in drug therapy and improve therapeutic outcomes for our patients.

OTC Network Cards

Come to us, We Accept OTC card!  Carrying 80% of covered items in our store to make it convenient for you without any hassle. Not sure which items are covered or not covered? Contact us to find out!

Unit Dose Packaging

We prepare a dose of medications which are individually packaged for your safety, convenience , and/or easy monitoring in several different options depending on your needs.

Travel Clinic

We offer protective vaccines for a healthy lifestyle including Shingles, HPV (cervical cancer), Influenza (flu) and Hepatitis A & B among others. We also specialize in travel vaccinations, preventative care, and Yellow Fever certification. Our experienced staff will help you plan for and enjoy your next adventure in good health.

Long-Term Care