Dear, Hillsboro Pharmacy and fountain customers, sometime this summer the fountain will be open but,
unfortunately we are sorry to say that we are closing the pharmacy and your prescriptions will be sent to Walgreens starting May 30th.

Walgreens Address: 955 SE Baseline St., Hillsboro, OR 97123; Phone: 503-615-8384
Please call for any questions at 503-648-1811 Thank you.
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Results for search "MRSA / Staph Infection".

Health News Results - 15

New research shows that an antibiotic effective for bacterial pneumonia also appears to fight treatment-resistant staph infections.

The drug is ceftobiprole. It appeared successful in fighting methicillin-resistant staph infections, sometimes called MRSA. It showed similar benefit when tested against the antibiotic daptomycin to treat complicated Staphylococcus aureus infections....

Kidney disease patients on dialysis are 100 times more likely to contract a dangerous blood infection than people not receiving the treatment -- and that risk is borne primarily by Hispanic and Black Americans, U.S. government health officials say.

Hispanic patients are 40% more likely than white patients to develop a staph bloodstream infection while on dialysis, according to a new

A probiotic supplement appears to clear the body of a type of bacteria that can cause serious antibiotic-resistant infections, a new study finds.

More research is needed, but experts said the work could lead to a way to prevent infections with the bac...

A strain of the superbug MRSA has emerged in pigs that is highly resistant to antibiotics and a growing cause of human infections.

University of Cambridge researchers said this particular strain of MRSA, short for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, has shown up in livestock over the past 50 ye...

The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred a resurgence in other infections that strike hospitalized patients, a U.S. government study finds.

The study, by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, highlights the broad toll the pandemic has taken. It found that rates of several types of hospital-acquired infections rose after the pandemic reached U.S. shores in 2020.

More hospital...

Livestock workers have an elevated risk of getting infected with dangerous, antibiotic-resistant "superbug" bacteria, a new study shows.

Researchers from Michigan State University expected that finding when studying those risks by reviewing 15 years of published literature.

They just didn't expect the risks to be as high as what their research uncovered.

"This is a bit of a...

Skin rashes in people with lupus may have high levels of disease-causing bacteria that can spread to other people, according to a new study.

Researchers found that half of rashes in patients with lupus had abnormally high levels of Staphylococcus aureus (or staph), a common bacteria associated with skin infections.

That means "the person with the rash is a carrier for...

Makeup is a daily staple for most women, but new research finds that 9 of 10 beauty products may harbor superbugs after they're opened.

Beauty blenders (sponges used to apply foundation or other products to the face), mascara and lip gloss get contaminated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as E. coli and staph because most aren't cleaned and are used long past their expiration d...

Researchers have learned more about how a "superbug" infection can infiltrate your home -- and they have some suggestions for protecting your family.

Armed with swabs, investigators made several trips to homes where a child had come down with an infection caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA.

They found that the bacteria commonly ended up in ...

Smartphones have become an essential part of modern medicine, but they might be exposing patients to potentially deadly staph infections, a new study suggests.

Tests of cellphones at a Brazilian medical school revealed that 40% carried Staphylococcus aureus, a common cause of hospital infections.

Worse, 85% of the bacteria isolated were resistant to antibiotic...

If you weren't already worried enough about what germs lurk in hospitals, a new study shows 'superbugs' are common on patients and the things they touch.

Even worse, these bacteria are resistant to multiple antibiotics, the researchers added.

"Hand hygiene narrative has largely focused on physicians, nurses and other frontline staff, and all the policies and performance mea...

Some strains of Staph bacteria may slow the healing of diabetic foot ulcers, while other types of bacteria may promote healing, according to a new study.

The results suggest that monitoring the bacterial populations (microbiomes) of diabetic foot ulcers may help doctors decide the best way to treat them.

Up to one-quarter of diabetics will develop a foot ulcer, because high ...

Scientists have been cataloging bacteria and fungi inside the International Space Station (ISS), and they say their efforts will should keep astronauts safe and could also have benefits on Earth.

The team analyzed samples collected from eight locations on the space station during three flights across 14 months. The samples came from the viewing window, toilet, exercise platform, dinin...

Scientists are looking to an unexpected source in the battle against drug-resistant bacteria: fish slime.

The researchers said that microbes in the protective mucus that coats young fish holds promise in fighting multidrug-resistant bacteria. These include the so-called "superbug" microbes that cause methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections.

The ...

Dangerous staph infections are declining in America, but they still pose a significant public health threat, a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows.

"Today, we are talking about an infection that's all too common, one of the leading causes of deadly infections in health care and in the community -- staph," CDC Principal Deputy Director Dr. Anne Sch...